If you’re like me, I’m sure that you reading this would think you have a pretty good understanding of what graphic design is. Billboards, flyers, logos, magazines, video games, posters, what a Computer operator does in the café?
All these come to mind when you think of a graphic design. But what is it, really? It’s a profession, yes, but if we dig a little deeper, it’s an art – an expression of one’s creativity – for many.
There are three responses to a piece of design — yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” — Milton Glaser
These are just a few of the most common mental images evoked by people when asked about graphic design. None of these images gives a true definition of graphic design though. Logo, Flyers, and posters are only “outcomes” or “a medium” of graphic design.
Going to search the definition of graphic design, you’ll most likely find an unhelpful definition. Most Online dictionaries define graphic design as “the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books.” This definition is true, but it doesn’t have enough context.
Graphic design is a skill that’s not limited to advertisements, magazines, Flyers, Posters, or books. Graphic design can be physical, digital, and can also be in-between. Because of this abstractness and versatility. Graphic design goes far beyond simply combining text, shapes, colours, and pictures.
Graphic design focuses on communicating a message visually. Each project a graphic designer works on will have a unique message and a desired result from the message. The message may be different forms like to provide information, invoke thought, sell a product, or even stimulate meaningful conversation.
“Graphic design is all around you. It’s about expressing an idea in the best way using visual storytelling. This may sound simple, but it requires problem-solving, communication, attentiveness, patience, and most importantly a good grasp of the project’s desired result.”
Graphic design is the art or profession communication (Visual) and Solving Problems that uses the combination of elements like Text, Shape, images, illustrations, and ideas to convey information to an audience, most especially to produce a specific effect.
In other words, graphic design is communication design; it’s a way of conveying ideas through visuals and design.
Graphic design is applied to everything visual, from road signs to technical schematics, to our books, newspaper, magazines even to our Mobile Phones.
It is applied to products and elements of company identity such as logos, colours, packaging, and text as part of branding.
Graphic design plays a Critical role in Our Everyday Life.
Click the link below to gain access to my STATUS post on Whatsapp, so as to guide you in the Journey as a Graphic designer.
The KINGS CREATIVES is a newsletter that goes out Tuesdays and Thursdays, the purpose of this newsletter is to teach and build a community of creative people to set them in action till mastery of there field in the design space.